A leading provider of high-throughput nano-printing technology and solutions
NanoBioFAB is a leading provider of high throughput technology and services to accelerate nanomaterial research & development. We enable cost-effective innovations and reduce time to market for new sensor products, thereby empowering our customers to stay ahead of the competition.
NanoBioFAB also provide artificial intelligence (AI)-driven smart sensors for telemedicine and personalized healthcare. NanoBioFAB employs unique patented technology to ultra-fast high-throughput3D nano-print and screen nanosensors that can accurately detect tiny amounts of gases that emanate from one’s skin and breath, as well as measure pressure, temperature, and humidity. With the coming 5G era, NanoBioFAB’s smart sensor will enable more effective personal health management.
Our unique super inkjet printer allows high-precision mixture from eight nano precusor ink cartridges to create nanomaterial with every possible compositions. The printer can make up to one million material per hour, and submit to high-speed screening robots to identify the best nanomaterial for industrial applications, such as biosensors and catalysts.

Nanobiofab graduated from EDGE in the second place
The EDGE Graduates 11 Businesses, Awards $11K Start-up Cash PRESS [...]
TEDCO awards Nanobiofab
TEDCO Awards 45Grants to Maryland Businesses Hit Hardest by the [...]
Nanobiofab presented in NCI technology showcase
Register Now! 2020 NIH/National Cancer Institute Technology Showcase: September 9th [...]
Nanobiofab was invited to present in Hera Fast Pitch DC
Hera Fast Pitch DC is a pitch competition where innovative, [...]
NANOBIOFAB Awarded a $250,000 Defense Health Agency SBIR grant
https://www.prweb.com/releases/nanobiofab_awarded_a_250_000_defense_health_agency_sbir_grant/prweb17404717.htm NANOBIOFAB Awarded a $250,000 Defense Health Agency SBIR grant [...]
Nanobiofab was in the WUSA9 news!
https://www.wusa9.com/article/life/new-technology-takes-personal-fitness-to-next-level/65-e43d8117-cbb4-4098-97a7-c6ef448fe1f3 Forget Fitbit or Apple Watch. This technology hopes [...]